About me
Ben Sanders, Compliance Manager, has been with Lightheart Sanders and Associates (LSA) since 2009. He primarily oversees the compliance audits for Title IV schools to ensure clients stay compliant with the rules and regulations set forth by the Department of Education. Ben received his Bachelor’s Degree from Utah Valley University and has experience in both the tax and audit departments but has been solely focused on audit for the last ten plus years. He’s a people person thanks to his previous career in hospitality and his favorite part of the job is interacting with clients. Many of you have seen him at the different trade shows and training that is put on by NACCAS and AACS. He has done training classes and seminars for different AACS and different 3rd Party Servicers over the years. He enjoys sharing and spreading knowledge to schools and is always looking for ways to improve and grow. He is a firm believer in always moving forward to expanding one’s knowledge and expertise. “Hard work is very important to me. Being productive and enjoying what you do will make work fun, enjoyable, and rewarding. Don’t ever stop. We live in a world that is constantly changing and evolving. People are the heart and soul of this business. That is what I love. That is my why”.